8th Annual Cannibal Snowshoe Race
Saturday, February 24, 2024 (9:00 AM - 11:00 AM) (MST)
Join us for the 8th Annual Cannibal Snowshoe Race on Lake San Cristobal, sponsored by the Lake City Area Medical Center. It's not just a race, it's BIG FUN.
Registration starts at 10:00 am
Race Starts at 10:30 am
This year's theme is "The Cannibal Nurse" - Come dressed up as a medical professional. There will be awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place racers as well as best dressed! Register by Feb 18th to get your race shirt!
The Lake City Community School will be hosting a Chili fundraiser during the event for their Washington, DC, trip.
Lake City, CO 81235 United States